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Need Technical Support? Learn more about our products, find answers, get the latest updates, and connect with other Hexagon Geospatial product users, or get support from our professional service team. ArcGIS for Desktop is a mapping application developed by ESRI. It is available for the Microsoft Windows operating system. It allows the creation, management, and share of geographic maps, data, and analytical models. ArcGIS for Desktop is composed of several integrated application such as ArcMap, ArcToolbox, and ArcCatalog.
Because an unknown GIS file format can be any GIS analysts worst nightmare…
We’ve got you covered with our comprehensive list of GIS formats.
Some geospatial data formats are common. But some are not so common.
First, take a look at these 63 formats in GIS. Then, bookmark it for future reference:
Updated: March 16, 2019
Vector GIS File Formats:
Vector data is not made up of grids of pixels. Instead, vector graphics are comprised of vertices and paths.
The three basic symbol types for vector data are points, lines and polygons (areas). These GIS file formats house vector data.
READ MORE: GIS Spatial Data Types: Vector vs Raster
Extension | File Type | Description |
Esri Shapefile | .SHP, .DBF, .SHX | The shapefile is BY FAR the most common geospatial file type you’ll encounter. All commercial and open source accept shapefile as a GIS format. It’s so ubiquitous that it’s become the industry standard. But you’ll need a complete set of three files that are mandatory to make up a shapefile. The three required files are:
You can optionally include these files but are not completely necessary.
Geographic JavaScript Object Notation (GeoJSON) | .GEOJSON .JSON | The GeoJSON format is mostly for web-based mapping. GeoJSON stores coordinates as text in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) form. This includes vector points, lines and polygons as well as tabular information. GeoJSON store objects within curly braces {} and in general have less markup overhead (compared to GML). GeoJSON has straightforward syntax that you can modify in any text editor. Webmaps browsers understand JavaScript so by default GeoJSON is a common web format. But JavaScript only understands binary objects. Fortunately, JavaScript can convert JSON to binary. |
Geography Markup Language (GML) | .GML | GML allows for the use of geographic coordinates extension of XML. And eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is both human-readable and machine-readable. GML stores geographic entities (features) in the form of text. Similar to GeoJSON, GML can be updated in any text editor. Each feature has a list of properties, geometry (points, lines, curves, surfaces and polygons) and spatial reference system. There is generally more overhead when compare GML with GeoJSON. This is because GML results in more data for the same amount of information. |
Google Keyhole Markup Language (KML/KMZ) | .KML .KMZ | KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language. This GIS format is XML-based and is primarily used for Google Earth. KML was developed by Keyhole Inc which was later acquired by Google. KMZ (KML-Zipped) replaced KML as being the default Google Earth geospatial format because it is a compressed version of the file. KML/KMZ became an international standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium in 2008. The longitude, latitude components (decimal degrees) are as defined by the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). The vertical component (altitude) is measured in meters from the WGS84 EGM96 Geoid vertical datum. |
GPS eXchange Format (GPX) | .GPX | GPS Exchange format is an XML schema that describes waypoints, tracks and routes captured from a GPS receiver. Because GPX is an exchange format, you can openly transfer GPS data from one program to another based on its description properties. The minimum requirement for GPX are latitude and longitude coordinates. In addition, GPX files optionally stores location properties including time, elevation and geoid height as tags. |
IDRISI Vector | .VCT .VDC | IDRISI vector data files have a VCT extension along with an associated vector documentation file with a VDC extension. VCT format are limited to points, lines, polygons, text and photos. Upon the creation of an IDRISI vector file, it automatically creates a documentation file for building metadata. Attributes are stored directly in the vector files. But you can optionally use independent data tables and value files. |
MapInfo TAB | .TAB .DAT .ID .MAP .IND | MapInfo TAB files are a proprietary format for Pitney Bowes MapInfo software. Similar to shapefiles, they require a set of files to represent geographic information and attributes.
OpenStreetMap OSM XML | .OSM | OSM files are the native file for OpenStreetMap which had become the largest crowdsourcing GIS data project in the world. These files are a collection of vector features from crowd-sourced contributions from the open community. The GIS format OSM is OpenStreetMap’s XML-based file format. The more efficient, smaller PBF Format (“Protocolbuffer Binary Format”) is an alternative to the XML-based format. The data interoperability in QGIS can load native OSM files. The OpenStreetMap plugin can convert PBF to OSM, which then can be used in QGIS. |
Digital Line Graph (DLG) | .DLG | Digital Line Graph (DLG) files are vector in nature that were generated on traditional paper topographic maps. For example, this includes township & ranges, contour lines, rivers, lakes, roads, railroads and towns. Much of the U.S. Bureau of Census Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) data were generated using the standard DLG format. |
Geographic Base File-Dual Independent Mask Encoding (GBF-DIME) | The GPF-DIME file format was developed by the US Census Bureau in the late 1960s as one of the first GIS data formats to exist. It was used to store the US road network for major urban areas, which is a key factor in census information. GPF-DIME supports choropleth mapping and also assisted in removing error for digitizing features. DIME was a key component to the current TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) system, which was produced by the US Census Bureau. | |
ArcInfo Coverage | ArcInfo Coverages are a set of folders containing points, arcs, polygons or annotation. Tics are geographic control points and help define the extent of the coverage. Attributes are stored in the ADF or INFOb tables. Each feature is identified with a unique number. These feature numbers are a way to link attribute data with each spatial feature. Coverages were the standard format during the floppy disk era. But over time, this GIS format has become obsolete and mostly unsupported in GIS software. |
Raster GIS File Formats
Raster data is made up of pixels (also referred to as grid cells). They are usually regularly-spaced and square but they don’t have to be.
Rasters have pixel that are associated with a value (continuous) or class (discrete).
READ MORE: Raster Resampling for Discrete and Continuous Data
Extension | File Type | Description |
ERDAS Imagine (IMG) | .IMG | ERDAS Imagine IMG files is a proprietary file format developed by Hexagon Geospatial. IMG files are commonly used for raster data to store single and multiple bands of satellite data. IMG files use a hierarchical format (HFA) that are optional to store basic information about the file. For example, this can include file information, ground control points and sensor type. Each raster layer as part of an IMG file contains information about its data values. For example, this includes projection, statistics, attributes, pyramids and whether or not it’s a continuous or discrete type of raster. |
American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASCII Grid | .ASC | ASCII uses a set of numbers (including floats) between 0 and 255 for information storage and processing. They also contain header information with a set of keywords. In their native form, ASCII text files store GIS data in a delimited format. This could be comma, space or tab-delimited format. Going from non-spatial to spatial data, you can run a conversion process tool like ASCII to raster. |
GeoTIFF | .TIF .TIFF .OVR | The GeoTIFF has become an industry image standard file for GIS and satellite remote sensing applications. GeoTIFFs may be accompanied by other files:
IDRISI Raster | .RST .RDC | IDRISI assigns RST extensions to all raster layers. They consist of numeric grid cell values as integers, real numbers, bytes and RGB24. The raster documentation file (RDC) is a companion text file for RST files. They assign the number of columns and rows to RST files. Further to this, they record the file type, coordinate system, reference units and positional error. |
Envi RAW Raster | .BIL .BIP .BSQ | Band Interleaved files are a raster storage extension for single/multi-band aerial and satellite imagery.
BIL files consist of a header file (HDR) that describes the number of columns, rows, bands, bit depth and layout in an image. |
PCI Geomatics Database File (PCIDSK) | .PIX | PIX files are raster storage layers developed by PCI Geomatics. It’s a flexible file type that stores all image and auxiliary data called “segments” in a self-contained file. For example, segments can include image channels, training site and histogram information. As a database file, PIX files can hold raster channels with varying bit depths. They can also store projections, attribute information, metadata and imagery/vectors. |
Esri Grid | Grid files are a proprietary format developed by Esri. Grids have no extension and are unique because they can hold attribute data in a raster file. But the catch is that you can only add attributes to integer grids. Attributes are stored in a value attribute tables (VAT) – one record for each unique value in the grid, and the count representing the number of cells. The two types of Esri Grid files are integer and floating point grids. Land cover would be an example of a discrete grid. Each class has a unique integer cell value. Elevation data is an example of a floating point grid. Each cell represents an elevation floating value. |
Compressed Raster File Formats
Lossy GIS compression reduces file size by permanently eliminating certain information, especially redundant information (even though the user may not notice it).
These lossy compression algorithms often result in greater reductions of file size. Here are examples of highly compressed GIS formats.
READ MORE: Lossless Compression vs Lossy Compression
Extension | File Type | Description |
ER Mapper Enhanced Compression Wavelet | .ECW | ECW is a compressed image format typically for aerial and satellite imagery. This GIS file type is known for its high compression ratios while still maintaining quality contrast in images. ECW format was developed by ER Mapper, but it’s now owned by Hexagon Geospatial. |
Joint Photographic Experts Group JPEG2000 | .JP2 | JPEG 2000 typically have a JP2 file extension. They are a wavelet compression with the latest JPG format giving an option for lossy or lossless compression. JPEG 2000 GIS formats require a world file which gives your raster geolocation. They are an optimal choice for background imagery because of its lossy compression. JPEG 2000 can achieve a compression ratio of 20:1 which is similar to MrSID format. |
LizardTech Multiresolution Seamless Image Database MrSID | .SID .SDW | LizardTech’s proprietary MrSID format is commonly used for orthoimages in need of compression. MrSID images have an extension of SID and are accompanied with a world file with the file extension SDW. MrSIDs have impressive compression ratios. Color images can be compressed at a ratio of over 20:1. LizardTech’s GeoExpress is the software package capable of reading and writing MrSID format. |
Grid Mapper Ham
Geographic Database File Formats
We store geographic data in various database file format. Databases are a structured set of data/information.
But the key difference is that geographic databases allow the storage of location information.
READ MORE: Spatial Databases – Build Your Spatial Data Empire
Extension | File Type | Description |
Esri File Geodatabase | .GDB | Esri created the file geodatabase to be a container for storing multiple attribute tables, vector and raster data sets. It’s the successor of the personal geodatabase (MDB) – and Esri recommends file geodatabases over personal geodatabases. File geodatabases offer structural and performance advantages. They have fast performance, versatile relationships, compatible storage for rasters, improved spatial indexes, data compression, customizable configuration and 1 terabyte file size restrictions. Within a geodatabase, geographic datasets are referred to as feature classes. But geodatabases can store more complex data such as networks, raster mosaics and feature data sets. READ MORE:What is a Geodatabase? Personal vs File Geodatabase |
Esri Personal Geodatabase | .MDB | Personal geodatabases use the default Microsoft Access database file extension (MDB). They used to be the most ubiquitous database type for managing geospatial data. Personal geodatabases were advantageous because you could manage multiple attribute tables, vector and raster datasets and create relationship classes. But their biggest drawback was their limited 2GB in storage capacity. Whereas file geodatabases offer 2TB of capacity. In the end, you’d quickly reach storage capacity with personal geodatabases just by adding a couple of raster and vector data sets. |
OGC GeoPackage | .GPKG | GPKG are self-contained serverless SQLite databases that can contain anything from vector, tiles, rasters, layer attributes, and even extensions. Unlike shapefile which have 3 mandatory files, this open standards geospatial container is easy to share because it’s all contained in a single file. |
Mapbox MBTiles | .MBTILES | MBTILES are for storing and packaging sets of raster or vector map tiles in a single file. The file format is based on a SQLite database. The only coordinate system MBTiles support is spherical Mercator. MBTiles file formats are designed for Mapbox and other web/mobiles applications. |
GE Smallworld Version Managed Data Store | .VMDS | Smallworld software is widely used in electrical, telecommunication, gas, water and utilities. It uses the VMDS “Version Managed Data Store” for database storage. VMDS stores multiple types of raster and vector geometries in spatial and topological utility networks. They are also capable of querying and analysis in GE Smallworld. |
SpatiaLite | .SL3, .SQLITE | SpatiaLite uses the SQLite database engine. But SpatiaLite extends SQLite by giving it spatial capabilities. SpatiaLite give similar functionality to geodatabases and are the rough equivalence to PostgreSQL + PostGIS. They are open source and lightweight with the ability to hold spatial and non-spatial files in a single file container. |
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Enterprise
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) are commonly used for multi-user editing environments.
They also support versioned editing, backups and recovery of an enterprise database over the same network.
Extension | File Type | Description |
PostGIS + PostgreSQL | Open source PostGIS adds spatial objects to the cross-platform PostgreSQL database. The three features that PostGIS delivers to PostgreSQL DBMS are spatial types, indexes and functions. With support for different geometry types, the PostGIS spatial database allows querying and managing information about locations and mapping. PostGIS can be leveraged in several GIS software packages including QGIS, GRASS, ArcGIS and MapInfo. | |
ArcSDE Enterprise Geodatabase + (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2) | Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) and ArcSDE support versioned editing, backups and recovery with multiple users over the same network. DBMS storage models include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2/Informix and PostgreSQL. ArcSDE serves data in a centralized way over an entire organization using a relational database management system. End-users can access spatial data in an Esri environment and seamlessly edit and analyze data in an enterprise geodatabase. |
LiDAR File Formats
The growth of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has revolutionized how we view the surface of Earth.
As point cloud data, LiDAR is a dense network of coordinate points with elevation values. These GIS formats require specialized software or extensions to view or edit.
Extension | File Type | Description |
ASPRS LiDAR Data Exchange Format | .LAS, .LASD, .LAZ | The LAS file format is a binary file format specifically for the interchange between vendors and customers. Overall, LAS files maintain information specific to LIDAR without the loss of information. LAS files are available for public use, unlike ASCII and other proprietary file formats. The dense networks of coordinate point measurements are so large sometimes that they often need to be split to prevent the file size becoming too large. When you compress a LAS file, the file format specifically for this is LAZ. You can save significant storage space using the LAZ file format. Like most file compression, LAZ has no information loss. Lastly, LAS Datasets (LASD) reference a set of LAS files. The purpose of LASD is to be able to examine 3D point cloud properties from the referenced LAS files. Through LAS datasets, you can visualize triangulated surfaces and perform statistical analysis. |
Point Cloud XYZ | .XYZ | XYZ files don’t have specifications for storing point cloud data. The first 3 columns generally represent X, Y and Z coordinates. But there’s no standard specification so it may include RGB, intensity values and other LiDAR values. They are in the ASCII point cloud group of file formats which includes TXT, ASC and PTS. Non-binary files like XYZ are advantageous because they can be opened and edited in a text editor. |
CAD File Formats
CAD (computer assisted drafting) often goes hand-in-hand with Geographic Information System (GIS). GIS imports design models that were likely built in Autodesk or Bentley Systems MicroStation.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Autodesk Drawing | .DWF, .DWG, .DXF | Autodesk CAD (computer assisted drafting) file formats are designed for 2D and 3D designs. They generally contain elements such as edges, curves, annotation text in layers. DWG/DXF are vector files that use Cartesian coordinates. Every element plots XY points in a grid.
Bentley Microsystems DGN File Format | .DGN | DGN or “Design” is the native format for Bentley Systems MicroStation. Similar to other CAD design formats, engineers and architects use it for construction design. DGN files consists of layers including annotation, points, polylines, polygons and multipath. They also contain style information (ColorIndex) and a spatial reference system. |
Elevation File Formats
Elevation file formats are specific to digital elevation model products. For example, the USGS DEM and Canadian CDED capture regularly-spaced elevation values in a raster grid.
Extension | File Type | Description |
USGS DEM, Canadian CDED | .DEM | The DEM format are raster-based ASCII files specifically developed by the USGS to capture digital elevation models. They are widely used in the industry because of the high volume of legacy elevation models produced by the USGS. The DEM format is a single file containing 3 record types.
Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) | .DT0 .DT1 .DT2 | Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) is a standard format created by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. They are a raster format consisting of terrain elevation values often captured from aircraft radar. User-defined attributes are assigned through TAB files. The 3 levels of resolutions contain various cell-spacing resolution:
Grid Square Mapper
Web File Formats
These web file formats are built specifically to serve and display geographic features over the internet.
Although there are other web-based file formats that stores geographic data (such as GeoJSON), these file formats are unique to web mapping.
Extension | File Type | Description |
GeoRSS | URL .XML | Websites publish RSS feeds to subscribers, which are provided in a XML file. GeoRSS extends XML feeds to include geographic data. The GeoRSS specification describes how to add spatial geometries like points, lines and polygons to XML feeds. Webfeeds with location have become a tool for disaster notification. For example, the USGS publishes real-time earthquakes through GeoRSS. Now, RSS have locations. |
Web Feature Service (WFS) | URL | Web feature services allows users to share geospatial (or non-spatial) over the internet. Thus, feature services can be consumed through the internet in webmaps, desktop and web applications. Users access web features services by pointing to the REST endpoints or URL.
Esri ArcGIS Online Web Services | URL | ArcGIS Online is Esri’s cloud-based platform that allows users to publish content online to share collaboratively with other organizations or the general public.
Multitemporal File Formats
Temporal data has a time component attached to it. A lot of weather data uses temporal GIS data formats because how important time is related to weather.
Other examples of temporal data are demographic trends, land use patterns and lightning strikes.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) | .NC | NetCDF GIS format is an interface for array-oriented data for storing multi-dimensional variables. An example of a multi-dimension NetCDF could be temperature, precipitation or wind speed over time. It’s commonly used for scientific data involved in the oceanic and atmospheric community as a GIS data storage format. The ArcGIS multidimensional toolbox and the QGIS NetCDF Browser both support NetCDF files. |
Hierarchical Data Format | .HDF | HDF (Hierarchical Data Format) was designed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) to manage extremely large and complex scientific data. It’s a versatile data model with no limit on the number or size of data objects in the collection. ArcGIS is capable of reading HDF4 and HDF5 data. The free open source GDAL (command-line) tools supports the conversion of HDF files to GeoTIFF. The HDFView program allows users to view HDF files. |
GRIdded Binary or General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary (GRIB) | .GRIB | Similar to NetCDF, GRIB files are commonly used in meteorology to store historical and forecast weather data. It’s a multidimensional file with the advantages of self-description, flexibility and expandability. GRIB is standardized by the World Meteorological Organization’s Commission and in operation since 1985. Currently, there are three versions of GRIB files (GRIB 0, 1 and 2). There are tools to convert GRIB into rasters such as grb2grid and QGIS software. |
GIS Software Project File Formats
GIS project files are used in GIS applications. Generally, they all store layers in a hierarchical manner and then display them in a layout.
They retain symbology, queries, labeling and other properties for building maps.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Map Exchange Document (MXD) | .MXD | MXD stands for Map eXplorer Document. ArcGIS uses this file format to store map layers in a table of contents. Each layer in a data frame references a data source. Map layers are displayed from the map layout in a hierarchical manner. When reopening a MXD, all symbology and labeling are retained since it was last saved |
QGIS 2.X Project File | .QGS | The QGS extension is a project file for the GIS software program QGIS (formerly Quantum GIS). This file type can be opened similar to .TXT or .XLS file. All the map layers and composers are stored in a QGS project file. It retains the same, labeling and map layers as they were since last saving. Map layers are referenced pointing to the physical data sources. QGIS projects generate a backup of the project file automatically with the file extension QGS~. These files are stored in the same directory as the project file. |
ArcGIS Pro Project File | .APRX | ArcGIS Pro project files (APRX) contain maps, toolboxes, databases, folders and even styles. They can also contain connections to databases, servers and folders. APRX files are the successor to MXDs, which were the equivalent to project files in Esri ArcGIS. But they are different from MXDs in that projects can have multiple maps and layouts in a single project. |
QGIS 3 Project File | .QGZ | QGZ is the default project file for QGIS 3.2 and greater. This zipped container stores the QGS XML file and is used for storing QGIS layouts, properties and layers. |
Map Exchange Document Template (MXT) | .MXT | Map Exchange Document Template (MXT) are standardized layouts for Esri ArcGIS. They contain common basemaps and page layouts to be reused repeatedly in an organization. Your ArcGIS profile uses the normal.mxt. In order to fix map document issues, you can reset your application through the normal.mxt. |
MapInfo Workspace | .WOR .MWS | Map composition files (.MAP) store a set of map layers, symbology and color palettes in a file with a MAP extension. Once you reopen it, MAP files recreate the map layout as needed for printing. |
Esri ArcGlobe Document | .3DD | ArcGlobe is a global 3D visualization and analysis environment focusing on larger study areas. 3DD is the extension for ArcGlobe which houses all your feature and raster layers in a global view. |
Esri ArcScene Document | .SXD | ArcScene is a 3D feature and raster viewer specializing in smaller study area or local scenes. SXD is the extension for ArcScene that saves the scenes view, layers and properties. |
IDRISI Map Composition File | .MAP | Map composition files (.MAP) store a set of map layers, symbology and color palettes in a file with a MAP extension. Once you reopen it, MAP files recreate the map layout as needed for printing. |
Cartographic File Formats
The purpose of cartographic file formats is to standardize map creation with a set of symbols, labels or feature display.
Generally, they don’t hold any of the physical data. But they contain the symbology to stylize your map features.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Esri ArcGIS Layer File | .LYR .LYRX | Layer files are used for displaying a set of symbology in a map. They don’t contain the geographic data itself. Instead layer files simply specify how the data will be displayed. When you share a vector or raster data set, a layer file ensures the same symbology will be displayed in another map.
QGIS Layer Definition File | .QLR | Not only do QLR files contain the styling information for a layer, they also point to a referenced layer. QLR files don’t hold any of the physical data because their purpose is for storing symbology and queries. QLR files are XML based so you can freely open and edit them in a text editor. |
Esri ArcGIS Style File | .STYL .STYLX | STYL files are a set of symbols that can be assigned to symbolize features in a map layout. They often carry a list of icons specific to a theme such as forestry, petroleum or geology. Once you add a STYL file to a map document, map features can obtain any unique symbology as part of the style file.
QGIS Style File | .QML | QGIS layer style files (*.QML) contain the symbology and labelling to style how features are viewed in a QGIS project. You can apply a QML file to any file without needing data. Because QML is in an XML format, you can open and edit it in a text editor. |
3D File Formats
Three-dimensional file formats not only give XY locations of features, but they also add depth to features.
These 3D file formats are graphic representations of objects in the real world developed in 3D modelling software.
Extension | File Type | Description |
COLLADA | .DAE | COLLADA are 3D object representations stored in a XML file. This reference image file simulates textures in 3D web scenes in Esri and Google Earth. COLLADA is a format that you can transfer from 3D modelling software such as Trimble SketchUp, Autodesk Maya and 3DS Max. |
Trimble Sketchup | .SKP | Sketchup files (SKP) are 3D object representations native to the three-dimensional modelling software Trimble Sketchup. These conceptual design files (buildings, towers, trees, etc) can be placed in Google Earth. Such editions are also in Canada because they fail to meet the minimum ‘threshold of originality’ to qualify for copyright as an ‘adaptation’. Bach six suites for cello pdf. It may not be elsewhere, however. URTEXT EDITIONThis “urtext” or “scholarly” (scientific) edition was published at least 25 years ago in Germany and thus is in its country of origin. More information about this can be found.Please obey the copyright laws of your country. |
Interchange File Formats
The purpose of interchange files are to transfer files between different software systems.
Generally, they are non-native formats specifically designed for interoperability and data transfer.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Esri ArcInfo Export (Interchange) | .E00 .E01 .E02 | Esri ArcInfo Interchange files are no longer supported. This obsolete GIS format was used to conveniently exchange GIS coverage files. It has the extension E00 and increases incrementally (E01, E02…) with individual coverage files. Although convenient for interchange, you need to process the data before you can add it to ArcGIS. In order to convert Esri ArcInfo Interchange files, you can run the ‘Import from E00’ tool in the Conversion ArcToolbox. |
MapInfo Interchange File | .MIF .MID | MIF format are versatile files that allows the exchange of MapInfo files between different geospatial systems. This ASCII file contains two files:
Map Package | .MPK | Map package (MPK) files are an Esri storage container that contains all the elements and underlying data of a MXD. The purpose of generating MPKs is to not only transfer the layers in a table of contents, but the physical data that is associated to each layer in a data frame. It’s common to exchange map packages to users outside an organization who do not have access to the network data sources. Once the MPK file is transferred, they have access to editing their own source version of data. |
Other GIS File Formats
The remaining GIS formats don’t belong in any specific group. They are geographic in nature and perform a specific function related to the analysis, management or display of geographic information.
Extension | File Type | Description |
Esri ArcGIS Toolbox | .TBX | TBX extensions carry the geoprocessing tools that you can analyze geospatial data in Esri ArcGIS 10.X. When you create a custom toolbox, you can add toolsets and models. For example, you can add Python scripts (.PY) and models from ModelBuider for specific routines and processes. |
ArcSDE Connection File | .SDE | SDE files connect to a SDE geodatabase including the username, password, version and database path. The purpose of ArcSDE connection files are to gain access to an instance of your enterprise geodatabase on a network. You authenticate the database from either operating system or database authentication |
Adobe Geospatial PDF | Geospatial PDFs store points, lines, polygons and raster layers all represented in geographic space. By using this file format, users can measure distance, adjust coordinate systems as well as add edit locations. Geospatial PDFs can retain tabular data associated with each graphic. | |
Apple Venue Format | .AVF | Apple Venue Format (AVF) is the standard format for Apple’s indoor maps. AVF stores GeoJSON files in a dataset folder. Each GeoJSON file represents a feature as part of a data collection. |
How well do you know your GIS formats?
In your GIS career, you’re going to encounter a wide range of GIS formats.
Er Mapper Grid Format Online
GIS has taken different paths. For example:
From 2D to 3D, three-dimensional file formats add depth. Then from fixed to dynamic time, multi-temporal formats add the element of time.
Er Mapper Grid Format Free
GIS is truly one if the most diverse and expanding technologies, as shown with the plethora of GIS formats in the industry.
Browse file extensions by file type category:
GIS, GPS navigation and map file type extensions
(486 file extension database entries)
File extensions used in various GIS and other mapping software
GIS, GPS navigation and map file extension list
File extensions used in various GIS and other mapping software.
Grid Mapper Software
GIS, GPS and map file types include formats that are used by various navigation and mapping software. GIS (Geographic Information Systems), GPS (Global Positioning System) and map files may contain all kinds of GPS/map, from pure graphics (maps) to lists of point of interest, routes, waypoints and other metadata. Some of the GIS, GPS navigation and map files are saved in open formats, so that they can be imported and used in numerous navigation devices or programs. But a lot of vendors use their own, proprietary formats that are not interchangeable.
Sort by: Extension | Sort by: File type description |
file extension map | Geographical map |
file extension nm7 | Navitel Navigator map |
file extension inp | GIS input data |
file extension qgs | Quantum GIS project |
file extension ptm | Microsoft MapPoint map |
file extension fbl | iGO map |
file extension gpx | GPS eXchange format |
file extension sid | LizardTech MrSID image file format |
file extension shp | ESRI ArcView shapefile |
file extension adf | ArcView ARC/INFO coverage data |
file extension twf | ArcView world coordinates |
file extension nv2 | Navionics chart |
file extension est | Microsoft Streets & Trips trip |
file extension kwi | KIWI Navigation system database |
file extension kmz | Compressed Keyhole Markup Language (Google Earth) data |
file extension kml | Google Earth Keyhole Markup language data |
file extension gvsp | Geocortex Silverlight project |
file extension qpj | Quantum GIS project |
file extension mxd | ArcGIS map document |
file extension klm | Keyhole Markup Language (Google Earth) |
file extension tcx | Garmin Training Center XML database |
file extension ssf | Trimble Standard Storage Format |
file extension gdbtablx | ArcGIS geodatabase |
file extension ttpkg | TomTom Navigator map |
file extension twl | Naviguide binary route data |
file extension gdb | Garmin MapSource GPS waypoint database |
file extension ptt | Microsoft MapPoint template |
file extension gml | Geography Markup Language data |
file extension gdbtable | ArcGIS geodatabase |
file extension nm3 | Navitel Navigator 5.0 map |
file extension pmf | ESRI published map |
file extension obf | OsmAnd offline GPS vector maps |
file extension mpk | ArcGIS map package |
file extension bds | Cadcorp SIS base dataset |
file extension jnx | Garmin raster map |
file extension map | NAVIGON map |
file extension freelist | ArcGIS data |
file extension tab | MapInfo geometry or atribute data |
file extension nmea | Global Positioning data (GPS) |
file extension gpi | Garmin Point of Interest |
file extension hnr | Teleatlas data |
file extension kmtf | Garmin Nuvi GPS map |
file extension apr | ArcView project |
file extension navionics | GPS chart format |
file extension pkinfo | ArcGIS package info data |
file extension at5 | Lowrance chart data |
file extension bsb | MapInfo sea chart |
file extension csar | Caris Spatial Archive |
file extension axe | Microsoft Autoroute map |
file extension unl | Garmin MapSource unlock data |
file extension cee | Compressed GPS Ephemeris data |
file extension cgmap | CityGuide region map |
file extension eww | ER Mapper world data |
file extension j2w | ArcExplorer world |
file extension rte | OziExplorer route |
file extension jgw | JPEG world data |
file extension fjw | iGo junction view data |
file extension prm | TomTom map |
file extension kap | Maptech BSB map |
file extension trk | Garmin GPS PCX5 track |
file extension isx | Intrasis object data |
file extension tpo | TOPO! mapXchange document |
file extension mrr | MapInfo map data |
file extension tfw | ArcView world data |
file extension nm2 | Navitel Navigator map |
file extension gsi | Golden Software Interchange Format |
file extension alg | ER Mapper algorithm data |
file extension spdb | iGO Primo speedcam database |
file extension bdy | DMAP boundary data |
file extension mwm | MAPS.ME map data |
file extension avl | ArcView legend template |
file extension sku | TomTom for R-Link map |
file extension geojson | GeoJSON geographic format |
file extension dgf | GPS Pathfinder Office geoid grid file |
file extension dgdat | DoubleGIS database format |
file extension wpt | GPS waypoint |
file extension tpx | Topo North America project |
file extension lmf | Library mapping and altera data interchange file |
file extension gpl | Street Atlas USA GPL log |
file extension ubx | u-center UBX GPS log data |
file extension gri | Petrosys grid data |
file extension poi | Magellan Maestro point of interest |
file extension kmb | AiM GPS Manager track data |
file extension bt | VTBuilder terrain data file |
file extension pngw | Blender GIS world data |
file extension upoi | iGO points of interest |
file extension nfs | Navigon Panorama View 3D function terrain data |
file extension gtm | GPS TrackMaker map |
file extension vpf | Vector Product Format |
file extension pna | TomTom Navigator PNA map info |
file extension vrc | ViewRanger map |
file extension jgwx | Blender GIS world data |
file extension rmap | CompeGPS Land raster map |
file extension esi | ESRI plot data |
file extension ozf2 | OziExplorer map |
file extension cup | SeeYou waypoint |
file extension gsr | Golden Software GIS data |
file extension glf | iGolf golf course |
file extension gmc | Global Mapper catalog data |
file extension 3dc | iGO 3D building data |
file extension tpq | TOPO!Pro map file |
file extension bna | Atlas Boundary data |
file extension fsp | iGO primo map data |
file extension rrf | Raytech file |
file extension gsf | Unidata GEMPAK map |
file extension qrt | QuickRoute map |
file extension avp | ArcView Legend Editor palette |
file extension gws | GeoMedia geoworkspace |
file extension gmap | Garmin map |
file extension ozfx3 | OziExplorer image |
file extension mif | MapInfo Interchange Format |
file extension ov2 | TomTom Navigator point of interest data |
file extension mmj | MobileMapper Office job |
file extension zlas | ESRI optimized LiDAR data |
file extension rgn | Garmin region data |
file extension gar | GPS_COM waypoint data |
file extension hnr | iGo Primo route data |
file extension qgis | Quantum GIS project |
file extension dem | Digital Elevation Model map |
file extension tgr | Tiger Line data |
file extension gnd | Geography Network document |
file extension gsb | Golden Software boundary data |
file extension tfwx | ArcGIS approximate affine transformation data |
file extension iga | CARIS GIS corner georeferencing coordinate data |
file extension map | OziExplorer map |
file extension fjv | iGO Primo map related data |
file extension mmn | Memory-Map Navigator overlay object |
file extension tfd | Tape format requirements document |
file extension bmpw | Blender GIS world data |
file extension e02 | ArcInfo export data |
file extension map | ArcView network map |
file extension lasx | LAS sidecar auxilliary data |
file extension gtz | GPS TrackMaker data |
file extension nma | GPSBabel GPS log data |
file extension qc3 | Memory-Map data |
file extension gmg | Global Mapper grid data |
file extension eta | Keyhole EarthViewer placemark or overlay data |
file extension spud | Speed cam update |
file extension imi | Magellan GPS navigation map |
file extension bgd | ESRI binary raster definition |
file extension map | Route 66 card document |
file extension wor | MapInfo workspace |
file extension e03 | ArcInfo export data |
file extension qa | GPS quality assessment data |
file extension x00 | Esri ArcInfo export data |
file extension rtmap | CompeGPS Land raster map |
file extension dt1 | DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 1 |
file extension qu2 | GPS2WorldWind database |
file extension div | DIVA-GIS project |
file extension ebmd | MicroMap map data |
file extension prj | ArcView Shapefile projections definition file |
file extension htf | GIS format |
file extension qed | Memory-Map Navigator map file |
file extension img | Garmin basemap data |
file extension p35 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension an1 | DeLorme Street Atlas drawing |
file extension tifw | Blender GIS world data |
file extension ggf | GPS Pathfinder Office geoid grid |
file extension e04 | ArcInfo export data |
file extension ddf | GPS Pathfinder Office data dictionary |
file extension dmf | Digitals/Delta map file |
file extension jct | JCT file |
file extension lmx | Nokia landmark exchange data |
file extension tkl | Holux MapShow305 track |
file extension kfc | Cumulus projected map |
file extension enc | Electronic navigation chart |
file extension rt2 | OziExplorerCE route data |
file extension eph | GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris file |
file extension geodatabase-shm | ArcGIS Runtime SDK data |
file extension ghd | Geonaute Keymaze tracklog |
file extension gdb | ArcGIS geodatabase |
file extension rdf | ArcGIS report document |
file extension osm | OpenStreetMap data |
file extension xcm | CmapTools exported concept map |
file extension gwc | Golfwits course map |
file extension tat | ESRI geographic text attribute table |
file extension epo | Google Android GPS extended prediction orbit data |
file extension spx | ArcGIS geodatabase SPX data |
file extension glc | iGIS data |
file extension adm | Garmin GPS SD card save data |
file extension smz | IBM SPSS Graphboard Template Chooser shape |
file extension omd | MapInfo Routing J Server data |
file extension 3dl | iGO landmark data |
file extension laz | Compressed LiDAR data |
file extension nmap | NaviComputer map data |
file extension aib | ArcInfo binary coverage data |
file extension map | Navman map data |
file extension rik | SharpMap data |
file extension ctc | SeeYou flight data |
file extension pgwx | Blender GIS world data |
file extension ivl | IBM ILOG JViews Maps map |
file extension cadrg | Compressed ARC Raster Graphic file |
file extension vrg | ViewRanger map |
file extension 3dd | ArcGlobe document file |
file extension cez | Prosurv cEZ job |
file extension dbf | ArcView shapefile attribute table |
file extension 000 | International S-57 hydrographic data electronic navigation chart update |
file extension sdlic | ArcGIS data |
file extension cpg | ArcGIS codepage |
file extension mng | DeLorme map file extension |
file extension jpw | ESRI JPEG world data |
file extension d16 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension gmi | GPS Tuner map calibration data |
file extension itn | TomTom Navigator itinerary data |
file extension stt | Microsoft Streets & Trips map template |
file extension onm | Outdoor Navigator map |
file extension sxd | ArcGIS ArcScene document |
file extension agb | NAVFone data |
file extension dt2 | DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 2 |
file extension geodatabase-wal | ArcGIS Runtime SDK data |
file extension blx | Magellan MapSend map data |
file extension bsq | ArcView band sequential image |
file extension freshroute | NAVIGON data |
file extension mik | MapInfo MapImagery encryption key |
file extension fme | FME mapping data |
file extension c-map | C-map data |
file extension e00 | ESRI map file export |
file extension vrh | ViewRanger map |
file extension mtc | SpeedCamps Builder file |
file extension eoo | ArcInfo workstation export data |
file extension gvn | GeoVisu navigation data file |
file extension tdmb | Trimble Outdoors Navigator map bundle |
file extension ilf | Ag Leader Technology SMS insight log file |
file extension gvg | Kompass map |
file extension maplib | Mscape map |
file extension mwx | Autodesk MapGuide author map window XML data |
file extension l01 | ARC Digitized Raster Graphics file |
file extension d14 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension fx4 | Fugawi GPS map |
file extension d12 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension e06 | ArcInfo export data |
file extension postal | TomTom postal code data |
file extension p32 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension g10 | Garmin GPS map |
file extension ee | GPS Ephemeris data |
file extension 006 | International S-57 Hydrographic data electronic navigation chart |
file extension roadtrip | Road Trip Planner data |
file extension lpk | ArcGIS layer package |
file extension las | LIDAR data exchange |
file extension 009 | International S-57 Hydrographic data electronic navigation chart |
file extension nmf | ArcGIS Explorer map |
file extension d31 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension e05 | ArcInfo export data |
file extension fbn | ArcView spatial index file |
file extension 003 | International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart |
file extension mhn | Master Navigator header data |
file extension vik | Viking data |
file extension byo | Bayo CartoExploreur cartographic map |
file extension sa7 | Street Atlas map document |
file extension sosi | SOSI spatial data |
file extension ttkgp | TatukGIS Editor project file |
file extension d15 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension gvt | GeoVisu tracklogs file |
file extension cit | SeeYou vector maps |
file extension mid | MapInfo interchange format file |
file extension aue | Annotated Urban Environments data |
file extension msys | MapSys map |
file extension emh | NaviPac data |
file extension elev | WCS Elev data |
file extension gp1 | Street Atlas GPS log |
file extension vmz | Novapoint protected virtual map |
file extension cai | SeeYou flight data |
file extension tk1 | Wintec Tools GPS log |
file extension mca | MapFactor GPS navigation data |
file extension p33 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension adc | Xmap output data |
file extension sdf | Autodesk MapGuide spatial data |
file extension doq | Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle data |
file extension d33 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension ixc | ArcView geocoding index for read-write coverages |
file extension dt0 | DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data level 0 data |
file extension uko | UK Offshore Operators Association (OKOOA) P1/90 data |
file extension qal | OpenMap quality data |
file extension p34 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension axg | Microsoft AutoRoute trip |
file extension gbn | Itres binary grid |
file extension aeu | Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe route data |
file extension ntm | Navitel map |
file extension ngt | NONI GPSPlot GIS data |
file extension sa4 | Delorme Street Atlas USA data |
file extension lan | Erdas LAN image |
file extension ewm | EWView geographic data |
file extension aep | ArcExplorer project |
file extension m7d | MapKing navigation map |
file extension t00 | Trimble GNSS measurement file |
file extension ikt | MagicMaps IK3D project |
file extension d34 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension cmr | SeeYou raster maps |
file extension arcinfo | ArcInfo info data |
file extension 3d | Survex 3D cavern |
file extension d35 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension gvw | GeoVisu waypoints data |
file extension 008 | International S-57 Hydrographic data electronic navigation chart |
file extension lgs | USGS Digital Line Graph data |
file extension jpgw | JPEG world data |
file extension sdc | ESRI SDC dataset |
file extension mpvf | CompeGPS Land fast vector map |
file extension apl | ArcPad layer |
file extension nvi | CARAIBES navigation data |
file extension ssf | GPS Pathfinder Office almanac and base data |
file extension nmc | ArcGIS Explorer map content |
file extension app | ArcPad project file |
file extension tfwx | Blender GIS world data |
file extension qct | Memory-Map imported map |
file extension rsrc | Microsoft Windows 10 Maps resource data |
file extension cub | SeeYou airspace data |
file extension prm | Route 66 map |
file extension cdem | CompeGPS Land landscape data |
file extension p0c | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension mmm | MiraMon maps data |
file extension afp | XMap flight plan (statistic) data |
file extension sbp | GPSBabel file format |
file extension wgom | CompeGPS Land Google Earth remote map |
file extension ht | Humminbird track data |
file extension irv | XMap work data |
file extension vrm | ViewRanger map |
file extension aux | ERDAS geospatial auxiliary data |
file extension rd5 | Survey Pro road alignment data |
file extension loc | EasyGPS TerraByte location data |
file extension xol | Swiss Map overlay file |
file extension apm | ArcPad ver.6 related data |
file extension lst | Alan Map 500 map list |
file extension rlf | ArcGIS report layout |
file extension gst | MapInfo geoset file |
file extension gmp | Global Mapper package |
file extension pix | PCIDSK PCI Geomatics database |
file extension trk | CompeGPS Land track |
file extension sld | Styled Layer Descriptor |
file extension tfrd | Tape image format requirements document |
file extension d00 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension m7a | MapKing map |
file extension hgz | ArcMap GIS data |
file extension cvi | CassiniVision map image |
file extension atx | ArcGIS attribute index |
file extension srf | LandSerf GIS project |
file extension osb | OpenStreetMap binary map |
file extension mtkt | MTK GPS receiver data |
file extension sur | Topocad file |
file extension fln | Flight Plan data |
file extension pr5 | MapSys map data |
file extension navmap | ESRI data |
file extension trk | Fugawi Global Navigator tracklog |
file extension mdc | Merkaartor document |
file extension rte | Navigon navigation route |
file extension ard | Holux MapRoute map |
file extension imp | CompeGPS Land map settings |
file extension fpi | Fugawi points of interest |
file extension bpwx | Blender GIS world data |
file extension pos | Trimble position data |
file extension aqm | AlpineQuest GPS Hiking map |
file extension saf | Street Atlas USA map |
file extension style | ArcGIS style manager data |
file extension cmf | Microsoft MapPoint 2006 map |
file extension mps | MapSource GPS Mapping Interface waypoints |
file extension amf | Anquet digital map |
file extension fls | ArcView Windows Help supporting data |
file extension ovl | Geogrid ASCII overlay |
file extension mrf | GPS Pathfinder Office geoid grid data |
file extension pgf | GPS Pathfinder Office geoid grid data |
file extension geo | Map Maker project |
file extension emt | Emtac Trine datalog |
file extension smf | Lowrance StructureMap data |
file extension cwms | CompeGPS Land remote map |
file extension rtg | RiverTools grid (RTG) format |
file extension dbs | Trimble GPS data |
file extension mps | Microsoft Pocket Streets map |
file extension gprx | Geoxa project |
file extension fx3 | Fugawi map |
file extension sdml | Spatial Data Modeling Language VRML file |
file extension p00 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension eaf | ArcInfo data |
file extension qct | Quick Chart file format |
file extension ec0 | MetroCount traffic data |
file extension gps | Tripod Data Systems Survey Pro GPS coordinate |
file extension vmap | CompeGPS Land fast vector map |
file extension awx | ArcIMS XML project |
file extension cxf | Coordinates Export Format |
file extension p31 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension bqw | ArcView world data |
file extension dvc | IDRISI vector definition data |
file extension pp2 | Visual Passage Planner data |
file extension trk | Magellan GPS waypoint |
file extension gps | Pocket CoPilot GPS Tracks data |
file extension cor | Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office corrected SSF data |
file extension hds | XMap hierarchical dataset |
file extension bml | BusinessMAP map layer |
file extension gsm | MapViewer document |
file extension pat | ArcView geocoding pattern recognition data |
file extension pny | QV Map image |
file extension ggz | Garmin zipped geocaching data |
file extension pps | ArcView processing set codes file |
file extension 001 | International S-57 hydrographic data electronic navigation chart |
file extension zgt | Copilot data |
file extension dbm | Petrosys dbMap map |
file extension alm | SiRFDemo GPS almanac data |
file extension dlg | ArcView graph file |
file extension freshcontact | NAVIGON MobileNavigator navigation data |
file extension mvf | UtilityMaps map data |
file extension pkg | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension gsi | GPS Tuner map slices calibration data |
file extension cor | Corner georeferencing coordinate file |
file extension ger | OpenMap geo reference data |
file extension tic | ArcInfo coordinates |
file extension cshp | ESRI ArcView shape data |
file extension gmf | Geology multi-data |
file extension gvr | GeoVisu routes |
file extension trl | TrackLogs Digital Mapping track log |
file extension 13o | RINEX data |
file extension stn | ArcView geocoding standardization data |
file extension dbx | Garmin MapSource vector map |
file extension trg | XMap flight plan or flight plan statistic file |
file extension 005 | International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic navigation Chart |
file extension tso | Tactical Situation Object XML data |
file extension sdm | Spatial Data Modeling Language source code |
file extension owfs | Web Feature Service data |
file extension asrp | Arc Standard Raster Product file |
file extension d32 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension ltm | Holux ezTour for Logger data |
file extension sos | SOSI spatial data |
file extension sa8 | Street Atlas 8 map document |
file extension rtx | Bike GPS RichTrack data |
file extension cls | ArcView geocoding classification |
file extension wpz | SeeYou waypoint |
file extension mat | ArcView geocoding matching parameters |
file extension mxt | ArcGIS ArcMap map template file |
file extension d11 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension imd | GIS image metadata |
file extension ard | ALAN map 600 map |
file extension trl | Alan Map500 tracklogs |
file extension okm | OkMap map defining data |
file extension ert | MGL Avionics Enigma route data |
file extension p11 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension tst | Topocad section template |
file extension bk | Automatic packet/position reporting system (APRS) data |
file extension pln | AGPS-Shape Pro profile data |
file extension 3df | MapInfo graph data |
file extension 004 | International S-57 Hydrographic data electronic navigation chart |
file extension lst | Holux MapShow map list |
file extension rmp | Magellan map |
file extension gdf | Geographic Data File format |
file extension crd | Holux MapShow map |
file extension aet | Maptech raster aeronautical charts |
file extension gts | GTViewer session data |
file extension e01 | ArcInfo exported data |
file extension 002 | International S-57 Hydrographic Data Electronic Navigation Chart |
file extension pin | MNS projection information data |
file extension sa8 | Street Atlas map document |
file extension p16 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension cat | ArcView UNIX hyperhelp supporting file |
file extension dlg | Digital Line Graph vector image |
file extension mxs | ArcView geocoding index for read-write shapefiles |
file extension ntx | CARIS marine navigation info |
file extension crd | ALAN Map 500 map file |
file extension tab | GPS Pathfinder Office station or session table |
file extension rtkt | Royaltek binary data file |
file extension vdb | Swiss Topo map |
file extension trp | TripMaker document |
file extension nmgf | Noise Model Grid Format |
file extension mpv | CompeGPS Land vector map |
file extension aut | GPSMan automapic file |
file extension p15 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension gprmc | GPS data |
file extension p14 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension hmap | CompeGPS Land HyperMap data |
file extension bps | XMap flight plan |
file extension key | ArcView geocoding matching keys |
file extension geo | eXplorist GPS Geocache Manager database |
file extension vtm | CARIS GIS vector transparency mask file |
file extension zre | ISOMAP import data |
file extension wpr | Alan Map500 waypoints and routes file |
file extension n3m | Nokia 3D WebGL map |
file extension gen | OpenMap general information data |
file extension 007 | International S-57 hydrographic data electronic navigation chart file |
file extension mglr | Magellan routes file |
file extension mglt | Magellan tracklogs file |
file extension mglw | Magellan waypoint file |
file extension p12 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension gbs | GTrek collective GPS binary file |
file extension axt | Microsoft Autoroute template file |
file extension bilw | ArcGIS BIL world file |
file extension p01 | HERE Maps for Android map data package |
file extension pwdef | ArcGIS project file |
file extension wfd | Wayfinder map file |
file extension d01 | HERE Maps for Android map data |
file extension gtabin | GPS-Track-Analyse.NET data |
file extension geoproj | DataGeosis Office project |