Authentic Coach Handbag Serial Numbers
How do I know if a Coach bag is real or fake?
Tumble Deal takes great measures to ensure that the designer merchandise we sell to our customers is 100% authentic.
Although Tumble Deal is not affiliated with Coach, we have done our due diligence, research, education, and quality control in sourcing the Coach merchandise we offer on our site. We want our customers to have a peace of mind that ANY Coach merchandise you receive from Tumble Deal is an authentic Coach product.
With that said, here are some educational facts we've found regarding authentic Coach purses.
Call Coach at 888-262-6224. Give the customer service representative the bag 's serial number. An authentic Coach handbag has a serial number registered with Coach, and the representative can determine authenticity immediately over the phone. A correct serial or style number will never prove that a Coach is genuine, but an INCORRECT number will always prove that a bag is fake. Step1 Look at the pattern on the outside of the bag.
- Most Coach Handbags will have a Coach Creed patch on the inside of the bag.
- Coach Creed patches are made of leather (traditional or patent leather); never a cloth-type material.
- Creed patches are stitched onto the outside of the inside pocket; never adhered with glue.
- Coach is a global brand with manufacturing facilities and retail locations worldwide. The Coach Creed statement and information may differ in any bag based on when and where the individual bag was manufactured.
- The statement on the Coach Creed will always be embossed into the leather patch, never solely stamped with ink. (Note: some newer handbags from a select few collections may have a Coach Creed that has been embossed with a metallic ink overlay).
- The Coach Creed patch will have a statement (which may differ depending on the individual bag), and may or may not be followed by a series of numbers and/or letters.
- The series of numbers/letters are NOT considered a 'serial number' per se, but rather is the Coach system of labeling their bags using its manufactured time frame and style number. (Coach stopped using serial numbers over 10+ years ago. Vintage Coach bags will have a serial number of some type inside.)
- Many types of 'other' authentic Coach Merchandise will NOT display a Coach Creed patch and/or any series of numbers/letters such as; wallets, wristlets, coin purses, key chains, umbrellas, and 'other' accessories. Also, small bags that Coach considers 'accessories' such as Swingpacks, Pouches, Demi bags, Cosmetic Bags, and/or Cross body bags, etc.
Here are some examples of authentic Coach Creed patch statements:
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(This statement may also declare VIETNAM, THAILAND, TURKEY, INDIA, PAKISTAN, among other countries instead of CHINA, and will usually have a series of numbers/letters below it.) Here's an example of this type of creed:
Another example of the Coach Creed statement:
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How to Identify an Authentic Coach Handbag. Look beyond the serial number or authentication code. Many designers use such codes and Coach is no exception. The difference is that Coach is very inconsistent with the use and application of these numbers. It is not uncommon to find Coach bags from different lines with the exact same number. While it's tough to identify a counterfeit Coach bag, the serial number contains certain clues. They include the following: According to Bag Bliss, if the serial number doesn't begin with 'No.,' the abbreviation for 'number,' then it's probably not authentic. A bag with fewer than seven digits in the serial number is almost certainly a fake.
A serial number is a number that can be found inside your Coach purse meant to prove that your purse is indeed real. This little number has changed drastically over the years and it differs with every purse. However, every real coach purse has one. When Coach added serial numbers to the creed in the 1970's they were 'all numbers' in the format 'xxx-xxxx' as shown below. The last four digits do not correspond to the style number, each bag had a unique number.
(This is a 'newer' style Coach Creed statement. It does not reference any country of manufacturing and will not be followed by any series of numbers/letters. Instead, the series of numbers/letters will be in the form of a small tag located in the inside of the inner pocket (usually the zippered pocket) at the very bottom.) Here's an example of this type of Creed:
Here is some other useful information regarding the authenticity of Coach Handbags:
- Authentic handbags with a Signature C pattern on the outside will NEVER have a Signature C pattern fabric lining on the inside of the bag.
Here are examples of UNAUTHENTIC/REPLICA Coach Bags:
- The zippers on authentic Coach bags will have the letters 'YKK' stamped on the very front part of the actual mechanism (not on the zip pull). This can be very tiny and hard to see.
Here is an example of this:
It is important to keep in mind there are many 'myths' about fake or replica Coach Handbags. Here are a few examples of those 'myths.'
- Signature C pattern bags must have perfect and straight alignment where the stitching meets on the edges and/or sides of the bag.
- The zipper pull and/or hardware must have the Coach logo stamped into the metal.
- All Coach Handbags come with a duster.
Authentic Coach Handbag Serial Numbers Lookup
There are many other misconceptions, urban legends, and simple un-truths regarding the authenticity of Coach items. The Coach brand is ever-evolving and their products and collections will continue to change with new offerings and developments.
Coach Purse Authenticity Check
Please know that the authenticity of handbags are very important to us at Tumble Deal. If you have any questions regarding the authenticity of the Coach item you purchase from Tumble Deal, please refer to our FAQ section OR please contact our Customer Support Team immediately.